Commercial corridors are a crucial aspect of a thriving neighborhood. In partnership with the City of New‬ York’s Small Business Services (NYC SBS) Neighborhood 360 grant, RiseBoro Community Partnership aims‬ to strengthen and support Bushwick’s small businesses.‬

Scope of Work:‬

  • Business Support + Retention: We offer new and existing merchants one-on-one assistance‬ by connecting them with experienced small business service providers. All services are free‬ to merchants and designed to help businesses grow and adapt to changes in the‬
    ‭ neighborhood.‬
    • Workshops and networking opportunities to address common business needs‬
    • Partners include: NYC SBS, Pace SBDC‬
    • Wyckoff & Knickerbocker BRIC marketing video‬
  •  Placemaking: We host and participate in public space activations to bring our community‬ together & increase foot traffic for local businesses.‬
    •  Wyckoff Pride‬
    • Trick or Streets on Knickerbocker Plaza‬
  •  Cleanliness & Beautification: Clean streets make commercial avenues inviting to community‬ residents and visitors. As a community member, we have plenty of ways for you to get‬ involved!‬
    •  We service 50 tree beds along Knickerbocker Avenue and Irving Avenue‬
    • Host cleanup events in the Spring/Fall seasons‬
    • Power washing of Knickerbocker Plaza‬
  • Community Coordination: We work closely with local, key community partners and elected‬ official offices to advance economic development.‬
    • Community partners: Clean Bushwick Initiative, Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce,‬
      ‭ Brooklyn Public Library‬
    • Elected Officials: Councilmember Sandy Nurse, Councilmember Jennifer Gutierrez,‬
      ‭ Assemblyperson Maritza Davila, Senator Julia Salazar, Congressperson Nydia‬
      ‭ Velazquez, Brooklyn Community Board 4‬
      ‭ Is your organization interested in partnering with us? Email [email protected]